those who got selected for syndicate bank clerks plz share your views and previous interview experiences if you have any

Answer Posted / ankur

Hi!! every body those who don't have/lost their "computer generated application printout" kindly download it from the below mentioned link:

best of luck!!

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

hi, my hobbies are calligraphy and danceing which type of question can be asked frm my hobbies .....plz reply fast bcoz my interview is on 6th may...


Hi Guys , Please tell me which is the good coaching center for bank exams in Ameerpet or hyd ? Please share ur opinion on coaching centers.... Condrats who r selected in SBI exam..


I want to use RTI ACT to know the information about the SBI CLAERK GRADE EXAM 2009-10 as I am frustrated by this delay by CRPD SBI. Anybody know how to use Right To Information for this purpose? Please post Here...


guys on which basis are they alloting interview dates.... MERIT or Reg num or Roll num........


i m graduate and i have only school and gazatted officer character certificate .i have no college character certificate.what i do


Hello guys and gals, Congratulations to those who have passed their exam for SBI clerk 2010. I am also through with the exam and have my interview scheduled on 30th April 2010. Could you people who are having interview before this date let me know the questions asked(after your interview). I am commerce graduate and I will appreciate your help before this date. Thanks and All D Best.


hi friends, I am sathish. i have cleared the sbi clerical written exam. Now i have to attend the interview. Can anybody suggest how to face the interview and what type of questions they will ask in the interview. Please do mail me regarding this to my mail id With regards, Sathish K


sir i selected to sbi clerical. i added my qualification as i didnt completed it. will they allow to interview????


aLL SBI Aspirants from UTTARAKHAND share your views to help each other here.


What is the biodataform that we have to fill for the sbi interview, is it the same resume? if not same as resume plz tell me where do i get this.


When will be the result of State Bank Of India Associate Clerical Exam held in January this year is likely to get announce? If any idea please share the information here.


Has anyone been selected as corporation bank clerk . test was held on 29/11/09. have u received offer of appointment .


why do you want to work for sbi?


I have appeared for sbi clerical exam in Nov 2009. My reg No is 2130085, and I lost my roll no. could any one please guide me how to get my roll no and result


what is your philosophy towards work?