I am an electrical engg and has got selected in wipro should i
go there now or try in some core company ?

Answer Posted / cethar

Hi friend the selection of field
related to your own interset
and knowledge.now your a
engg take your own

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1- XC and the RC time constant are both measures of the reaction of C to a change in ____? 2-The power factor is a numerical ratio with a value between 0 and 1 equal to the ______________ of the phase angle. 3-When V and I are out of phase because of reactance, the product of V times I is called ______________ power 4-For _____________ inductors, the branch currents can be added algebraically. 5- The ______________ power in watts can be calculated as I^2R 6-Calculate XL with L = 30mH and f = 1kHz ( I have Xl=2piFL 2*3.141592653*1kHz*30mH =188 ohms Please check) 7-A parallel RL circuit has the values, R = 5kohms, XL = 5kohms. A voltage source of Vt = 10Vrms is connected in parallel to R and L. Determine the total current, It delivered by the voltage source Vt. 8-A series RC circuit has R = 1Mohm and C = 1microF. How long would it take for the capacitor to fully discharge if it is initially fully charged? 9-A circuit has real power = 300W and an apparent power of 500VA. Determine the power factor and phase angle. 10-The time constant for an LR series circuit is T = 0.1s and R = 10ohms. Calculate the inductance L.


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