how to retrieve data from
flight resevation->reports
Answer Posted / jegan
''Connect to the DataBase
Function getConnection ()
On Error Resume Next
Dim oConnection, oConnectionString
'oConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data
Source=; Initial Catalog=UASC; User
Id=developer; Password=tiger!@;"
oConnectionString ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
Source=C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest
Professional\samples\flight\app\flight32.mdb; User Id=admin;
Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
oConnection.Open oConnectionString
Set getConnection = oConnection
End Function
'Check that database connected or not
'Dim MyConnString, MyConnection
'Set MyConnection = getConnection
'If MyConnection.Errors.Count = 0 then
' msgbox "Database Connected"
' msgbox Err.Description
'End If
''Retrieve DB Records
Function getRecordset (strSQL)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oConnection, oRecordSet
Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oConnection = getConnection()
oRecordSet.Open strSQL,oConnection,adOpenStatic
Set getRecordset = oRecordSet
End Function
''Get recordset
Set MyRecordset = getRecordset ("Select * from Orders" )
''Get number of columns in table
nColumns = MyRecordset.Fields.Count
''Add a sheet in your datatable
Datatable.AddSheet ("DBImport")
For n = 0 to nColumns-1
''Get column name
ParamName = MyRecordset.Fields(n).Name
''Add DTParameter
ParamName, ""
nRow = 1
''Retrieve and place data in data table
Do while MyRecordset.EOF <> True
Datatable(ParamName,"DBImport") =
nRow = nRow + 1
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I AM TRYING PORT CODE FROM WINRUNNER TO QTP AND DON'T KNOW TO HOW TO CHECK THE ERRORS. IN WINRUNNER FUNCTION RETURNS EIGHER 0 OR -1 AGAINST WHICH RESULT CAN BE MADE PASS OR FAIL BUT IN QTP I DON'T SEE FUNCTIONS RETURNING ANY VALUE. APPRECIATE IF ANYONE COULD HELP ME CONVERTING FOLLWOING WINRUNNER CODE TO QTP. set_window("Customer Service"); rc = web_obj_get_text("Summary","#2","#4",ssn,""," ",1); if (rc != E_OK) { report_msg("[GetSubscriberSummary] Could Not get subscriber SSN; rc = "&rc); myRC = rc; } else { ssn = StripBlank(ssn); if (DEBUG) report_msg ("[GetSubscriberSummary] SSN: "&ssn); }