Describe the elements of Microsoft Word screen. Write down
steps for creating, saving, retrieving, editing and
printing a document.
Answer Posted / shinde sushil
word are allows user to create a document or file and save
it for future use.user to changes in document any number of
times. Also allows to add, insert and delete text or
graphics in document any number of times.
It present on the top of the MS-Word screen. On the
left side it contains Ms-Word logo followed by the name of
the document in the window, followed by "Microsoft Word" On
the right side it contains control menu, whcih consist of
minimize, Maximize/Restore and Close button.
A) Minimize :- It is represented by underscore (-) Placed
at the right of a title bar. It Minimizes or stores an MS-
Word window at the botton of the screen.
B) Maximize :- It is represented by a box, placed at the
right of a title bar. It fills the entire screen with MS-
Word window.
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