Write are the role of elements in Plants ?

Answer Posted / hanna kim

General Functions of essential elements in plants

1. Constituents of Protoplasm and Cell walls.
C,H,O,N,S and P are very important and permanent constituents of the protoplasm and the cell wall. C,H, and O form most of the part of plant body. N is important constituent element of Proteins and Nucleic Acids, S of Proteins, and P of Nucleic Acids. Besides these, Mg is an important constituent of Chlorophyll while Ca is present in cell wall in the form of calcium pectate.

2. Influence on the Osmotic Pressure of plant cells.
Osmotic pressure and other osmotic relations of the plant cells are maintained de to the presence of organic compounds and mineral salts dissolved in the cell sap.

3. Catalytic Function.
Many elements like Fe, Cu, Zn, Mo, Mg, Mn, Cl, etc are required in catalytic amounts to carry to various enzymatic reactions in the cells. These elements may be a part of prosthetic group of the enzymes, or co-enzymes, or may act as activators.

4. Antagonistic or Balancing Function.
Some elements like K, Ca, Mg, etc, counteract the toxic effects of other mineral elements by maintaining ionic balance.

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