Explain What will happen when direction of field current is
changed (i.e, field excitation is reversed) in the
following machines?
1) Alternator
2) Synchronous Motor
3) D.C Generator ( Shunt or Seies )
4) D.C Motor ( Shunt or Seies )

Answer Posted / tpfasil200

Direction of rotation of dc motor can be reversed in 2 ways
1.reversing current through armature and interpole windings(if they exist)
2.reversing current through field windings,ie,through shunt and/or series winding..but not through interpole windings(if they exist)
Reversing current through the armature is preferred because reversing current through the field windings involves breaking and making highly inductive currents of the field windings.Also field reversal of compound motors requires connections of both shunt and series windings to be changed..

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