Can you tell me the difference between functional and non
functional testing?

Answer Posted / mudaseer

Functional Testing:Functional testing means we do functional
testing to validate the functionality of the application
against functional requirements document or Testing the
application against business requirements. Functional
testing is done using the functional specifications provided
by the client or by using the design specifications like use
cases provided by the design team. we test for functionality
of the application only.

Functional Testing covers:

1. Unit Testing
2. Smoke testing / Sanity testing
3. Integration Testing (Top Down,Bottom up Testing)
4. Interface & Usability Testing
5. System Testing
6. Regression Testing
7. Pre User Acceptance Testing(Alpha & Beta)
8. User Acceptance Testing
9. White Box & Black Box Testing
10. Globalization & Localization Testing

Non-Functional Testing: Testing the application against
client's and performance requirement. Non-Functioning
testing is done based on the requirements and test scenarios
defined by the client. Non-functional testing means we do
not test for functionality of the application.

Non-Functional Testing covers:

1. Load and Performance Testing
2. Ergonomics Testing
3. Stress & Volume Testing
4. Compatibility & Migration Testing
5. Data Conversion Testing
6. Security / Penetration Testing
7. Operational Readiness Testing
8. Installation Testing
9. Security Testing (Application Security, Network
Security, System Security

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