What are the steps involved in Manual Testing

Answer Posted / satya

Steps in Manual testing

1.Reviewing requirement document which we got from client
2.Understanding client requirement and functionality
3.While reviewing the doc if we get any doubt or question, we should ask our business analyst
4.List out all possible functionality or scenarios
5.write test cases for all scenarios which we listed out
6.Prepare test data if any test cases required
7.Map all requirements and test cases into RTM
8.After getting confirmation mail from deployment team, we should start executing test cases
9.if all test cases got passed, change the status in RTM (In rtm on requirement or functionality may contain 1 or more test cases, if all test cases passed then only particular requirement will be passed, if one test case is failed for a requirement total requirement will be failed) and intimate to superior

if some test cases are failed,

10. Post the bugs in bug tracking tool(bug status: NEW)
11. Developer will open that issue to fix (Bug Status: OPen)
12. Developer fixed the bug (Bug Status: Fixed)
13. Tester need to verify that bug whether it is fixed or not (if bug is fixed, bug status: Closed, if bug is not fixed bug status: Reopen until bug is fixed)

how do you know whether all requirements are passed or not


when we need to stop the testing?

by using RTM we will know that, whether all requirements have been passed or not

if all requirements are passed in rtm, that means application is being as per client requirements.

the is the testing process.

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