what are the events in ABAP?

Answer Posted / onkar rai

There are several events used in ABAP . we mainly use events
in Reports. while developing a report sequence of event is

1) Initialization: process after load of program and before
the selection screen processing.

2) At Selection Screen output: This event is generally used
for modification of the screen like hide/unhide parameters.

3) At Selection Screen: Occurs each user command in
selection screen. We can use it to perform checking on user

4) Start of Selection: occurs when standard selection screen
has been processed. data is read in this event.

5) End of Selection: This event is triggered in type
executable programs once the logical database has finished
reading all data and before the list processor is started

6) Top of Page: Occurs when a new page starts. Use it for
write report header.

7) End of Page: Occurs when a page ends. use it for write
report footer.

8) At Line Selection: occurs when user double click on report.

9) At User Command: Occurs when the user push the toolbar
Apart form this we use four events in module programming:
1) PAI: Process After Input
2) PBO: Process Before Output
3) POV: Process on Value Request (F1 Help)
4) POH: Process on Help Request (F4 help)

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