How to work with multiple browsers when opened in the window,
write the script for it

Answer Posted / nitin sharma

For working on multiple browser you have to use creationtime
or index property.
Use this code
'opening two application gmail and yahoo


'for closing all browser
While Browser("title:=.*","index:=0").Exist

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How you are developing the script? Using record and play back or manual?


hi, can u tell me the QTP TEsting process in present real time companies?(beware of this... now a days Recording is not using,, only DP) and don't tell note book answers like step 1 this answer with professional skills in simple english words) thank u


Hi frnds, does anybody know if there is anything called "thin point" or something in qtp? thanks in advance.


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I have some real time based question.. 1.what are the challenges you have faced in your current project. 2.what are the bugs you found in your current project. 3.what are the strategies you follow to convert manual test cases into automation test cases. QTP identify two different browsers. 5. When you create a function library and share object repository what are the problems you have faced 6. How to solve the tool tip problem 7.what are the interesting bug you have found in your current project. 8.what is your daily work as a automation test engg. 9. how to create a weekly status report. 10. how many test cases you write,review and execute per day. 11.what are the uses of SQL in automation. 12.How to retrieve the data in html through vb script. 13.If application is very slow how to test the application in qtp.


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