What are the T-codes in BI security

Answer Posted / karthik reddy

bi secuirty u have n no of tcodes to use some of the
important t codes are

RRMX Start the Business Explorer Analyzer

RSA1 Modeling - DW Workbench

RSD1 Characteristic maintenance

RSECADMIN Manage Analysis Authorizations

RSECAUTH Maintenance of Analysis Auth.

RSECPROT Maintenance of Analysis Auth.

RSRT Start of the report monitor

RSSM Authorizations for Reporting

RSU01 User Maintenance. BI Analysis Auth.

RSUDO Execution as Other User

RSCUSTV23 used to upgrade form bw 3.5 to bi 7.0

for any help regarding sap security mail to
karthikreddy7827@yahoo.com always here to help u

cheers if my ans helpd u

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