How do you calculate balance interest calculation in GL.
Answer Posted / sai bhaskar reddy.b
There are two defined interest calculation types in the SAP
1. Balance interest calculation.
2. Item interest calculation.
System defined variant for balance interest calculation type
is ‘S’ and item interest calculation type is ‘P’. Balance
interest type calculation is used for G L Accounts. Item
interest type calculation is used for vendors and customers.
To display all transaction codes:
Go to t.code:SE16
Table name: TSTC
Keep blank maximum number of hits.
Total transaction codes in SAP 70837.
The following steps are involved in interest calculation.
1. Define interest calculation types (OB46)
2. Prepare account balance interest calculation (OBAA)
3. Define reference interest rate (OBAC)
4. Define time dependent terms (OB81)
5. Enter interest values (OB83)
6. Creation of G L Accounts (FS00)
7. Define automatic posting (OBV2)
8. Entry for loan (F-02)
9. Interest calculation run (F.52)
Step 01: Define interest calculation types (OB46):
Spro/img/financial accounting/G L Accounting/business
transactions/bank A/C interest calculation/interest
calculation global settings/define interest calculation types.
Go to new entries
Interest Id Name Interest calculation type
V1 balance interest type S
V2 item interest type P
Step 02: Prepare account balance interest calculation (OBAA):
Spro/img/financial accounting/GL Accounting/business
transactions/bank account interest calculations/interest
calculation global settings/prepare account balance interest
Go to new entries
Give calculation indicator : V1
Interest calculation frequency : 01
Calendar type : G (28, 29, 30, 31)
Give number range : 03
Select balance plus interest.
Go to new entries.
Calculation indicator : V2
Interest calculation frequency : 01
Calendar type : G
Number range : 03
Select balance +interest
Step 03: Define reference interest rate (OBAC):
Spro/img/financial accounting/G L Accounting/business
transactions/bank account interest calculation/interest
calculation/define reference interest rates.
Go to new entries
Reference interest rate : V1
Long text : 12%balanace interest
Short text : 12% balance interest
Date from : 1.4.2006
Currency : Inr
Go to new entries F8
Reference interest rate : V2
Long text : 15% item interest
Short text : 15%item interest
Date from : 1.4.2006
Currency : Inr
Step 04: Define time dependent terms (OB81):
Spro/img/financial accounting/ G L Accounting/business
transactions/bank account interest calculation/interest
calculation/define time dependent terms.
Go to new entries
Interest calculation indicator : V1
Currency key : Inr
Effective from : 1.4.2006
Sequential no : 01
Term : debit interest balance interest calculation
Reference interest rate : V1
Go to new entries or f8
Interest calculation indicator : V1
Currency : Inr
Effective from : 1.4.2006
Sequential no : 02
Term : credit interest balance interest calculation
Reference interest rate : V1
Go to new entry or f8
Interest cal. Indicator : V2
Currency : Inr
Effective from : 1.4.2006
Sequential no : 01
Term : debit interest arrears interest calculation
Reference rate : V2
Go to new entry or f8
Interest cal. Indicator : V2
Currency : Inr
Effective from : 1.4.2005
Sequential from : 02
Term : credit interest arrears interest calculation
Reference rate : V2
Step 05: Enter Reference Interest Rate Values (OB83):
Spro/img/financial accounting/G L Accounting/business
transactions/bank A/C interest calculation/interest
calculation/enter interest values.
Go to new entries
Reference int. rate values effective from interest rate
V1 1.4.2006 12
V2 1.4.2006 15
Go to T.Code:OBD4 to create secured loans account group.
Go to new entries
Chart of accounts a/c group name from account to account
1116 SELO secured loans 100300 100399
1116 INTR interest 400100 400199
Step 06: Creation of G L Accounts (FS00):
G L A/C no : 100305
Company code : 1116
Select create button
Account group : secured loans
Select balance sheet account
Short text :IB O D Account
Long text :Indian bank overdraft account
Select control data tab
Select only balances in local currencies
Select open item
Select line item display
Sort key : 002
Select create/bank/interest tab
Field status group : G005
Select relevant to cash flow
Interest calculation indicator : V1
Give G L A/C no : 400105
Company code : 1116
Select create button
Account group : interest
Select profit and loss account
Short text : interest on O D Account
Long text : interest on O D Account
Select control data tab.
Select only balances in local currencies
Select line item display
Sort key : 002
Select create/bank/interest tab
Field status group : G001
Step 07: Define automatic posting account (OBV2):
Spro/img/financial accounting/G L Accounting/business
transactions/bank A/C interest calculations/interest
posting/prepare G L A/C balance interest calculation
Go to accounts
Chart of accounts : 1116
A/C symbol currency G L A/C
0002 Inr 400105(interest on o d account)
2000 Inr 100305( I B o d account)
Step 08: Entry for loan (F-02):
Give document date : 1.4.2006
Posting date : 1.4.2006
Type : SA
Company code : 1116
Currency : INR
Posting key : 40
G L Account : 200005(Indian bank a/c)
Amount : 2500000
Business area : TISC
Value date : 16.07.2006
Text : loan received
Posting key : 50
G L Account : 100305(bank of Baroda O D account)
Amount : *
Business area : TISC
Text : +
Step 09: Interest calculation run (F.52):
Accounting/financial accounting/general ledger/periodic
processing/interest calculation/balances
Give chart of accounts : 1116
G L A/C no : 100305(bank o d account)
Company code : 1116
Calculation period : 1.7.2006 to 31.7.2007
Select leap year.
Select post also if value date in past
Select update master records
Go to system on menu bar.
Select services
Select batch input
Select sessions
Select RFSZIS00
Select process
Select display errors only
Again select process
The system gives the message: “processing of batch input
session completed”;
Is This Answer Correct ? | 47 Yes | 5 No |
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