is the institute MindQ laid by Mr.Nageswar rao..
heard alot about Nageswar rao...can you briefly let me know
about the Nageswar rao inst. and MinQ...THANX IN ADVANCE

Answer Posted / santhu

what about suresh reddy (SRSS software Solutions, S.R.
Nagar) he is best or not

because i am planning to join in his institute, because one
of my friend suggest me to join in it

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

wht is Manual Testing Frame work. Pls anybody can give appropriate answers


How to get popup error message.


i have an external excel datasheet where it only contains 3 rows. after qtp executed the code to import the datasheet, the datatable getrowcount method now gives me a different value, lets say 60,000+ instead of only 3. i did not have any values starting from row 4 of my excel file. why is this happening? this also results to the qtp report to load for a very long time.


Hi guys, Our company has started to automate testing and started using the tool QTP.Iam new to QTP and I have the following questions to ask. Would appreciate if anyone could give me a hand on this and explain things in a detailed way. [1] Bugs outside checkpoints: I know that I can easily make the QTP do what I want inside the application. Also, I know that I can insert some checkpoints and that the qtp will notice if those conditions are not met. However, there are bugs and problems that might not be connected to a checkpoint (system crash, database error, losing session/logout etc.); how can I make sure that the QTP will notice such problems as well and flag a test as failed. [2] How to tell the QTP that when a particular statement is "false",it should flag it as, test failed and show in in the test report. In short how to tell the qtp that a test is false from the script so that it shows it in the report For Eg:- if(true) test passed // how to instruct qtp else test failed // how to instruct qtp [3] Test script portability: we are having several environments; If I record a test on User Interface, obviously, the qtp will save the URL; however, how can I make the qtp run the tests so that the url is provided dynamically. Is there a possibility to parameterize the web server.Is this the way to do it.I dont know? [4] Test management: How do I manage the tests? I guess we will be doing it in Quality Center, yet, it’s not perfectly clear to me how we will be doing that. [5] Running scheduled test sets: How do I group tests to a certain test set? How can I make this test set run at a predefined time? [6] Test maintenance: What do we need to do beforehand in order to enable for easy test maintenance, meaning small adjustments in tests? [7] Reports: What kind of reports on test results are available (either QTP or Quality Center)? Thanks in advance and hoping for an answer. Jen


whare exactly we have to use functions and sub routain


• What type of testing questions will be asked for 2+ yrs exp people in interview?


What is the difference between keyword view and expert view?


what is impact analysis on regression testing?


1--How many functions u develop 2--What is an array 3-- where is ur server 4--U involved in unit testing 5--how ur test the background colour using QTP


What contains Data Driven Framework document in qtp?


Explain how you can delete excel file in qtp?


hi guys we r working in office...we write some scripts..suddenly we have a work(5min only) in out side..what will do now,,,used to system shut down or log off or lock or sleep mode,switch use or hibernate?


Brief the process of testing with UFT?


Hello, Is there any way to send the test results in html format (or any other) by email using outlook after the test run ends? thank you in advance


I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: Regards, krishna.