Elements of Main window and is Main window compulsory in
Sap script ?

Answer Posted / rudra vikram

Main window will created by system by default when we create a

In sap scripts we have 4 different types of windows

1) MAIN --- To display the Internal table data.
(i.e, continues text)
2) CONST---To display the fixed data.
(i.e, constant data)
3) VAR---To display the Variable data.
(i.e, data which changes time to time / data which changes dinamically)
4) GRAP---Grid screen (for logos and pictures)

By the above four types of windows we can came to conclusion that we need main window only for printing the data from internal table.
The need of main window in the PAGE WINDOWS is depends on our requirement,If at all we need to display the continuous data from the internal table we need MAIN WINDOW.

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