Answer Posted / hari
SKIP n or at command prompt
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Explain oracle apps architecture.
how do you describe O2C along with tables
What do you understand by concurrent programs?
tell me the scenarios of the independent in reports
Are you familiar with internet architecture of oracle apps 11i?
How can you achieve loose coupling in soa framework?
Do you know what is applysys in oracle application database schema, what is apps?
Suppose for report I have to parameters those are from_date and to_date, so to_date should be greater when compare to from_date, if we are giving to_date is lessthen it must shows some error how we will make?
what is the differences between internal requisition and internal sales order?
In which tables receopt application form Appliy to field Value will come. I know one table i.e, ra_customer_trx.trx_number. Could U please any one tell me other than this except(ra_customer_trx and ar_payment_schedules_all tables). plz mentioned tables_name.Column_name.
Which oracle applications pl/sql standard apis you are familiar, have you used most of them?
What do you understand by a set of books?
Which oracle apps version you are very confident in?
A program must be written which accepts date parameter. The date parameter will accept data in the format DD/MM/YYYY. This data has to be validated and post validation, the following details have to be displayed for this date parameter 1. Input date must be defaulted to sysdate, It can be overridden by any other date. 2. Financial year should be displayed for this date parameter. Eg: If the input date is 30/11/2010, the financial year must be displayed as 1. From Date : 01-Aprr-2010 To Date: 31-Mar-2011 3. Calendar year and Calendar month must also be displayed. 4. The next payment cycle (say for EB), must be displayed based on this date parameter. 5. The previous payment must also be displayed based on this date.