Hello friends, i am persuing SAP FICO can u please suggest
me how to get job after complition of course. infact every
company asking for at least 3 years of domain experience if
every company askinh only for experince holder then wher the
fresher will go, how do fresher will get expreince untill
and unles they don't get opportunity to work with. it seems
it is very dificult to get job in this field.please senior
help me ..... please, if there is any opening in your
company then please inform me on g.amresh@gmail.com

Answer Posted / ravi

Hi Venkat,

How about End user Experiance is added to SAP FI Field ??
Bcoz, I do have Exp in AP for 5 Years(SAP) & I am persuing
my SAP FICO course in small institute. I am planning to go
for certification as well later.

Any Advise from you please.....

Thanks Ravi

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