Answer Posted / prakash

Test Scenario for ATM Machine.
In General there will two test scenario. They are
A. Best case test scenario - All the positive test cases
B. Worst case test scenario - All the negative test cases

A. Best case test scenario for ATM Machine
(i). Insert and get back [since it's mandatory that u should bet back your ATM card as soon as u inserted]the ATM Card in right direction
(ii). Enter the correct security password
(ii). Select the transaction type
(iii).Proceed the selected transaction
(iv).Make sure that you made a successful transaction
(v). If u selected the printing advice Yes then get the print.
(vi). Now ur transactions is finished and make sure that the ATM system is ready for the next transactions. [This is just for the security purpose of our transactions is finished completely and the machine is not in current customers information].

B. Worst case Test Scenario
(1). Insert the card in wrong direction - Respective validation message should come. Make sure that validations is pop-upping and then insert ATM card in right direction.

(2). After (1) is successful then it'll ask the security password in that enter wrong password. It should validation and it should not allow you to proceed further. Make sure that the validations is working and now enter the correct password.

Like that if there is any negative conditions then write out those cases also.

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