What is meant by Step Generator in Qtp How is it used? pls
gimme in detail

Answer Posted / anjireddy.idamakanti

It is used to generate steps in the Test pane without click
on start Recording.
Step Generator consists of statements in three categories
such as
(i) Functions
(ii) Utility objects
(iii) Test Objects.

(i) Functions

This category specifies all general and mathematical
operations such as left, right, len, time, cint, cdbl, cstr,
ltrim, rtrim, trim etc.,
(ii) Test Object
This category specifies the operations which are performed
on the objects such as Set, Select, Activate, SetSecure,
Click, GetVisibleText, GetROProperty, GetTOProperty,
GetItem, GetItemCount, GetContent …. Etc.,
(iii) Utility Objects
This category specifies all miscellaneous operations such as
DataTableOperations, SystemUtil Operations, QCUtil
Operations, Recovery Operations etc.,


Prepare script for calculation Test in Application Flight
Option explicit Dim x,y,tot,i
For i = 1 to 5 step 1 Window("Flight Reservation").Activate

Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select
"File;Open Order..." Window("Flight
Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinCheckBox("Order
No.").Set "ON"
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Open
Order").WinEdit("Edit").Set i Window("Flight
Reservation").Dialog("Open Order").WinButton("OK").Click
x = Window("Flight

y = Window("Flight
Reservation").WinEdit("Price:").GetVisibleText() y=mid(y,2,
tot = Window("Flight
tot=mid(tot,2, len(tot)-1)

If cdbl(tot)=cdbl(x) * cdbl(y) Then

reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Calculation is correct",
"Test is Pass" else

reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Calculation is not correct",
"Test is fail"

End If Next

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