If A is Employee of the co. his salary is 100000 per
month. tds is 20000 Rs. Professional tax is 200. then
please tell me how to enter in Journal & payment vouchers
in tally

Answer Posted / vinay kumar

For Journal Entry press F7
1) Salary A/c Dr 1,00,000/-
To Salary Payable Cr. A/c 79,800/-
To TDS Payable Cr. A/c 20,000/-
To P.Tax payable Cr. A/c 200/-
(being salary due for the m/o the-----)
For Payment Entry Press F5
1) Salary Payable Dr 79,800/-
To Bank A/c Cr. 79,800/-
(being salary paid for the m/o----)
2)TDS Payable A/c Dr 20,000/-
To bank A/c Cr. 20,000/-
3) P.Tax Payable A/c Dr. 200/-
To Bank A/c Cr. 200/-

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