Which is the protocol using multiple tcp/ip connections?

Answer Posted / jitendera

Serial Line Interface Protocol

The Serial Line Interface Protocol (SLIP) is a simple
protocol designed to work with TCP/IP network protocol.
Until PPP came along, SLIP was the standard Internet dial-up
protocol for many years. Now SLIP is not widely used
because of the following reasons:-

1. SLIP doesn't implement error correction: SLIP doesn't
perform error correction unlike PPP, as a result that may
led to send extra packet data to make the error checking.
2. SLIP can handle only one protocol at a time: The SLIP
header doesn't include a field for specifying the network
protocol, unlike IP header which can handle more than one
protocol, so you can't change while working, you must end
your session first.
3. SLIP can't handle dynamic addressing: SLIP requires
that the machine must determine an IP address. This prevents
you from using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
4. SLIP doesn't support compression: The basic SLIP
protocol doesn't support compression of the entire data
packets. However, a different SLIP specification called
compressed SLIP or CSLIP which enables compression of just
the IP header portion of a TCP/IP data packet.

I think you will get yours answer in Point 2nd
so the answer is PPP

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