Give me 10 test cases on library management system

Answer Posted / nandakumar nagaraj

Tel me what are basic requirements for library management
system ...

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1. Buzz Words 1.1 Purpose Allow user easy access of content based on key/popular words 1.2 Scope All the tags at the portal. 1.3 User Interface - Tags are usually hyperlinks that lead to a collection of items that are associated with the tag. - Click takes you to page similar to Search Result page, should search all content and not only articles - Based on Most Viewed only 1.4 Interfacing/Sourcing Details - Need to develop an application which works on algorithm to calculate size/color of Buzz words. - In phase 1 algorithm will be pretty straight forward of calculating dimesion of Buzz words by going by ""Most Viewed/Visited"" words. Need to get exact algorithm.


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