What is means by DLL file means ?
What is the use of DLL file?
What are the contents of DLL file?

Answer Posted / ida

What exactly .DLL Means?
You may have often heard about dll files, but you may not
know exactly what it means. This article would help you in
obtaining some general information related to dll files. In
very simple terms dll file or dynamic link library is a
collection of small programs, or support files for some
types of software.

Mostly, these files are located in the directory of your
Windows System. Whenever the need arises, it can be called
upon by the executable program (EX) that is running on your

Often, the dll files let the EX or the executable program
communicate with a specific required device such as a
printer. But sometimes it cannot let the executable program
communicate automatically. At such times, it contains
source code to do particular functions.

For example suppose if the executable program requires the
free space of your hard drive. Then, it can call the DLL
file containing the function with specific parameters and a
call function. The DLL file would then tell the executable
program the required free space. This will enable the
executable program to be in proper size and thus it will
write only the existing function.

This will give the information about the free space to the
executable program, and there is no necessity to write all
the source code on your hard drive thus it saves space.
Whenever a DLL file is used in this manner, it is also
called as shared file.

The main advantage of DLL files is that they save the space
in Random Access Memory (RAM), as they do not get loaded
into it along with the main program. It is loaded only if a
dll file is called upon.

For example, if you want to edit a Microsoft Word document,
then there is no necessity to load DLL file of the printer
into Random Access Memory. If there is a need to print the
document, then the DLL file of the printer is downloaded
automatically and a call is made to print the page.

Along with, saving space, it also saves time as many of the
files are already installed in the windows.

In simple words, you can say that a dll file is an
executable file that runs with the help of another
executable file from inside Windows.

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