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tax deduction sources
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Explain the purpose of meeting in audit?
hi friend i have selected in ssc cgle as accountant in audit department. can anyone tell about the work of accountant in audit department?
Why there is no opening balance for Profit and Loss Account?Refer me Detailed explanation. Thank you.
Whether Advance against property to be included in Loans & Advances while referring to section 185 & 186 of Companies Act, 2013?
What is non statutory audit?
Explain the importance of evaluating an internal audit department?
How I can evaluate the internal control audit?
Explain intangible assets?
i read in andhra bank recruitmentin that i saw english languages marks are eligible what is that eligible mark
What is audit trail in siebel?
What are the essential of internal audit?
What is external audit?
what audit procedure i can do in the share capital account of a company and why it have been apply?
Which books are helpful for practising accounting's most tricky sums?
What techniques used during an audit?