there are two candidates p and q in an election.During the
campaign,40% of the voters promised to vote for P ,and rest
for Q.however, on the day of election 15% of the voter went
back on their promise to vote for P and instead voted for Q.
25% of the voters went back on their promise to vote for Q
and instead voted for P.suppose,P lost by two votes,then
what was the total no. of voters.

Answer Posted / lomesh vadhankar

These are the kind of questions which makes us confuse
because of the use of percentage of percentage.

For simplicity, we can take 100% people as x number of people.

So, now as we have assumed, we have total x number of voters.

Now, according to question,
Total voters for P = 40% of x = 0.4x
Total voters for Q = 60% of x = 0.6x

Now, on the day of voting:

P lost 15 % of his voters and got 25% of Q's votes.
So, Votes for P = 0.4x - 0.15*0.4x + 0.25*0.6x
similarly, votes for Q = 0.6x - 0.25*0.6x + 0.15*0.4x

Now, P lost by 2 votes.

So, Votes of Q - votes of P = 2
Putting these values of P and Q's votes, we have

(0.6x - 0.25*0.6x + 0.15*0.4x) - (0.4x - 0.15*0.4x +
0.25*0.6x) = 2

This gives x as 100.

Thus total voters are 100.

For making this question more simple, take an assumption as
100% people = 100 people. It will make everything easy.. :)

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