1.search help is there for table or structure or both?
2.in structure there is no technical attribute, then how
will u call data elements/fields into the structure?
3. i want to add/write some code in sap standard program in
function module related in badi,then how will u write your
code in sap standard Fm in badi?
4.what is kapler badi?
5.what is the use of log text in table technical attributes
while creating table?
6.what are the fields i have to take to releae/creat a PO
from Pur req?
7. if i have already release po as per the Pur req and
vendor supplied the material,then again i want same 100
material,then wt will u do? are u release po again? what are
steps u follow for this situation?
Answer Posted / sateesh
1. Search help is only For Table But not Structure.
2.in Structure we dont have the dataelement, in this case
we have the Predefined option click on that specify the
description.... or Give the name in Component type double
click on it it will automatically takes u into the
dataelement tab.
3.by using BADI we can write our custom code in that
F.Module, for this definition SE18 and implementaion se19.
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