control break statements in ABAP?

Answer Posted / niranjan

The Control Break Statements are used to print headings,subheadings,totals and subtotal.
We must use this statements inside the loop.

1.AT FIRST...........ENDAT:It is useful to print headings.
-->it will triggered before starting a first record in a loop.

2.AT LAST............ENDAT:It is useful to print TOTALS.
-->it will triggered after the last record in a loop.

3.AT NEW ON..........ENDAT:It is useful to print subheadings.
-->it will triggered before starting a new value for that particular field.

4.AT END OF..........ENDAT:It is useful to display sub-totals.
-->it will triggered after heading the old value.

5.ON CHANGE OF.......ENDAT:It is same as 'AT FIRST' but the only difference is we can use 'ON CHANGE OF' in any kind of loop statements like loop.....endloop,select.....endselect,do.....enddo,while.....endwhile.
-->it will triggered before starting a new value.

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