what is infoset? what are the uses? in which case it
suppose to be use? and difference in bi7.0/bw3.5?
Answer Posted / saripalli
For joining the two or More than two info providers we are using this info set. Info set is Virtual it doesn't hold any data.It works on JOIN bases like(Equiv join.Left outer join,and temporal join)in which case we use means in multi provider using for joining the info providers but some problem with multi provider their have a common column in both info providers.Other wise we are not able to perform filter in reporting level.At that we will go for info set.
difference in bi7.0/bw3.5 info set in 3.x we are not able to join CUBES.
In 7.x we able to join 2 cube only we not able to join more than 2 CUBE in 7.x
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