What is the diiffernce between windows xp & windows 2000?

Answer Posted / immanuel

Windows 2000 benefits :

Windows 2000 has lower system requirements, and has a
simpler interface (no "Styles" to mess with).
Windows 2000 is slightly less expensive, and has no product
Windows 2000 has been out for a while, and most of the
common problems and security holes have been uncovered and
Third-party software and hardware products that aren't yet
XP-compatible may be compatible with Windows 2000; check
the manufacturers of your devices and applications for XP
support before you upgrade.

Windows XP benefits :

Windows XP is somewhat faster than Windows 2000, assuming
you have a fast processor and tons of memory (although it
will run fine with a 300Mhz Pentium II and 128MB of RAM).
The new Windows XP interface is more cheerful and colorful
than earlier versions, although the less-cartoony "Classic"
interface can still be used if desired.
Windows XP has more bells and whistles, such as the Windows
Movie Maker, built-in CD writer support, the Internet
Connection Firewall, and Remote Desktop Connection.
Windows XP has better support for games and comes with more
games than Windows 2000.
Windows XP is the latest OS - if you don't upgrade now,
you'll probably end up migrating to XP eventually anyway,
and we mere mortals can only take so many OS upgrades.
Manufacturers of existing hardware and software products
are more likely to add Windows XP compatibility now than
Windows 2000 compatibility.

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