if posting is not happend what are all the solution to resolve this issue

Answer Posted / satish

Once you have done the billing you need to click on realse
to accounting and the RV Document type in billing should be
moved from SD to FICO with the help of accounting document
genreated for normal sales billing value

So once you have done the posting into accounting the
fallowing documents must be generated
Accounting document
Controling document
Consolidated report .

In case if there is any parameter missing on then the
document will ot be posted .

The possible reasons being.

1. Block in the billing document
2. Revenue recognisation not being properly assigned
3. Billing might not be complete

Please go to vofa and see if there is any block given for
the corresponding billing type and if yes you need to
uncheck that block then go to vf02 and realses the document
to accouting or use fb01 and it should be posted

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