1Who performed sanity and smoke testing :-- developers or
testers ? Explain with example and prove ur answer.

2 Company has developed a project for company B, company B
has to introduce this project into the market. The
acceptance testing is performed at Company B. is it called
as alpha testing or beta testing ? Explain with example and
prove ur answer.

Answer Posted / neha

sanity & smoke testing are done by tester.

Suppose there is a website to test, the tester will test
whether the URL for that website is working or not(site is
opening or not) and he will also check the working of links
on the home page whether they are going to inner pages or
not in order to do a testing in detail.

Acceptance testing is always done on the client side.
Two types of acceptance testing : Alpha & beta.
In alpha testing the end product is used and tested at the
client side(in this case company B)and when that product is
released outside it becomes the beta version, then the end
user uses it.

gmail is the best example, we are using the beta version of
gmail.At some stage it might be used by the employees of
google(with in the company) then it would be the alpha
version.As it is a very huge website, there will be many
bugs remaining so testing and modification keeps going for
this type of website

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