Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and
checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your
program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL.
Answer Posted / pramod badiger
/* C ++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the total number of disk writes by MySQL*/
#include <mysql.h> /*provides C client library to write programs for MySQL*/
#include <stdio.h> /*standard input/output header*/
#include<plugin.h> /* Is used with mysql storage engines like InnoDB plugin*/
int main()
MYSQL *conn; /* pointer to connection handler */
MYSQL_RES *res; /*Variable for storing db results*/
MYSQL_ROW row; /*variable for storing the single row of db*/
char *server_name = "localhost"; /* server host */
char *user_name = "root"; /* username (default=login name) */
char *password = "2ba07is045"; /* your login password*/
char *database_name = "mysql"; /*database name*/
conn = mysql_init(NULL); /* initialize connection handler */
if (mysql_real_connect(conn, server_name, user_name, password, database_name, 0, NULL,
/*Connection Failed*/
fprintf (stderr, "mysql_real_connect() failed\n");
/*close the connection*/
mysql_close (conn);
exit (1);
/*checking wheather InnoDB plug-in is installed or what */
if (mysql_query(conn, "select *from information_schema.plugins where
plugin_name=’mysql_plugin’ ")!==NULL) /*fuction returns zero if the statement was successful, Nonzero if an error occurred*/
printf(“InnoDB plug –in is not installed\n”);
/*After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), we must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() for every statement that successfully produces a result set*/
res = mysql_use_result(conn);/* returns MYSQL_RES structure otherwise NULL if an error
printf("Information of installed InnoDB plug-in…………….\n");
/*Prints Plug-in type,name,author,version etc*/
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
printf("%s \n", row[0]);
/* send SQL query SHOW TABLES to list the non-TEMPORARY tables in a given database */
if (mysql_query(conn, "show tables")!=NULL)
/*returns zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred*/
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));
res = mysql_use_result(conn);/* returns MYSQL_RES structure otherwise NULL if an error
/* Prints tables name in the database */
printf("MySQL Tables in mysql database:\n");
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res)) != NULL)
printf("%s \n", row[0]);
/*Number of Disk writes By the MySQL*/
if (mysql_query(conn, "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'key_writes%'"))
/*returns zero if the statement was successful. Nonzero if an error occurred*/
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));
res = mysql_use_result(conn); /*stores key writes*/
row = mysql_fetch_row(res); /*fetching the result*/
printf(“No of Disk writes\n”)
printf("%s ", row[0]); /*Displaying the No of Disk writes By MySQL*/
mysql_close(conn); /*close the connection*/
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