i have 2 table table one 4 columns respective values a1
7,a2 6,a3 8 ,a4 12 & table two 4 colums respective values
a1 7,a2 6,a3 8,a4 15.if table one & table two 3 colums same
then 4th column values 1)Qes diff >5 then print 5 * diff
value 2)Que diff <5 print 5
Answer Posted / anithaletchumi
select t1.name,case when abs(t1.val-t2.val) > 5 then 5 *
abs(t1.val - t2.val) else 5 end diff from tab1 t1 join tab2 t2
on t1.name=t2.name where t1.val != t2.val
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