hi,dis is kumari.I'm searhing on cognos.1 want realtime
scenarios with solutions.persons having hands on experience
in real time plz help me out.
my mail-id is vicky_ceti@yahoo.co.in
hope u will respond as soon as possible.
thank u in advance

Answer Posted / renuka

Hi all,
This is renu,i am also searching on cognos.I want realtime
scenarios with solutions.Pls share with me also.
My mailid:vallemdevi@yahoo.com.Pls reply me.
Thank you,

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

what r the reports u faced critical and how it can be solved .. any once can u give a best ans for interviw


What are the services provided in cognos 8?


Define catalog in cognos and write its various types?


what is model and say about process how to create model and how to test model?


what are the migration tools available in the market with respect to cognos such as impromptu reports are migrated to cognos reportnet?


I have ten columns that needs to be totalled... but some columns are empty...how do i get sum all the columns even if sum are empty? Can i get a total of the rows instead of columns? if yes, what is the function to be used?


If we are migrating lower version of Cognos reports (e.g. from Ver 7.0 to Cognos 8) then how we migrate Impromptu Catalog (ver 7.0) in Cognos 8? Do we create FM model for that? Please explain.


What is the difference between low affinity and high affinity connections?


what are the components in the cognos connection page consists (eg: my folder, public folder,directions, schedule management tool etc.....)


i have one file i saved in csv how can i take these file into framework manager


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How create measures and demensions?


Hi All, Is there any way to check whether a value is selected in a Multi-select tree prompt? I have a tree prompt and want to get to know whetehr which values user has selected,i want to so that values on the top of the report. I Have used that paramDisplayValue('paramername'),But it will display only last selected value. For Example i have tree prompt with one level Region- >country->states If user select region Asia it will dislay the all the Countries in that region and then if user select India it will display the states related to india only Suppose Hierachy look like this: Asia->India->Andhra Pradesh. I want to show this hierachy on the top of the report How it is possible? Can you please help me?