Hai Guys,

can anybody show me how to write automaed test cases using
VB scprit(examples)...i had an interviw soon...please guyz
send as quickly as possible

Answer Posted / sowji

Hai ,
Thank you your Ans

The company is sahbre holdings(USA),so please genereally
how the process is start...one example of test case using

That would great help to me

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Please Help Members By Posting Answers For Below Questions

What processes will be required to manage updates to the web site's content, and what are the requirements for maintaining, tracking, and controlling page content, graphics, links, etc.?


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hi all here i have tab named "Workbench" By clicking on "workbench" tab.it displays 4 tabs like below workbench common cargo commercial charter "common" tab have 10tabs inside,"cargo" tab also haveing 15 tabs inside and remaining two tabs also having few tabs inside. when clicked on "common" tab.it displaying the script like tab("workbench").select"common" if i clicked on "cargo".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_2").select"cargo" if i clicked on "commercial".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_3").select"commercial" if i clicked on "charter".it displaying the script like tab"workbench_4").select"charter" I have used a "FOR LOOP" for common,commercial,cargo,charter tabs.it was stopped at second tab SO, CAN I RECOGNIZE "WORKBENCH_2,_3,_4" AS A SINGLE VARIABLE if not, can anyone plese help me to solve this


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Did QTP prove efficient for your project? Yes or No, explain?


you are recording on "WINDOW 1", say it has a link if you click on that, that leads you to "WINDOW 2". If you do any manipulations on "WINDOW 2" that are automatically updated in to "WINDOW 1". But "WINDOW 1" is currently invisible. But the updations in "WINDOW 1" must also be recorded as a script in QTP. The best Example is if you update your resume in JOB STREET portal it actually happens in other window, but the previous window is automatically updated. Now does QTP help you in this types of situations? Any body can answer this question. please..... Siva


I am sathish , i want to test the Application of JIL.org ,Mobile Emulator ,by using QTP10.0. I am trying to do testing on that Application , but Child Objects are not identified by the QTP. Please can any one help me


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