If a bug has high severity then usually that is treated as
high priority,then why do priority given by test
engineers/project managers and severity given by testers?

Answer Posted / rishi samlal

The answer has been given already, this is the summary:
Severity refers to impact (importance)
Priority refers to urgency (when).
A defect can be Severity high but has no Urgency, meaning
we have to solve it but not immediately.
A defect can have low Severity but can have high Priority,
meaning it has low impact but we still want to have it
solved fast, for instance, as it may have dependencies or
if the developer is going for a holiday.
Those are basically the outer constraints.
A tester is usually more focussed on impact (what does bug
do to the application), Manager usually more interested in
when can/sshould it be solved.

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