When the system is getting slow. How can you get the
message what is going wrong?
Answer Posted / naren
SQL Tracer, event viewer
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B -Credit Note report Selection Screen Ranges: Creation date Sales Org Sold to Party Selection condition: Document Category – VBTYP should be ‘O’ Table to be used: VBRK, VBRP,VBPA,ADRC List the CR order types or credit billing type by customer number (or selected customer) and displays the: - Billing Document date (FKDAT) - Customer number (KUNRG) - Name of the reseller (on top of the SAP No) (NAME1) - Billing document number,(VBELN) - order reason (AUGRU_AUFT) - Amount (NETWR) - Currency (WAERK) Group Currency wise, billing type wise sum of Net value. When user double click on field ‘Billing Document #’ , display the document in VF03 Do this using OO ABAP.
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