What are the OOPS concepts?

Answer Posted / ankit pandey

There are five concepts in the oops others may be
derived from those:
1. Encapsulation and Data Abstraction
2. Polymorphism
3. Dynamic Binding
4. Message Passing
5. Inheritance

1. Encapsulation :
It is the mechanism that binds together
code and data in manipulates, and keeps both safe from
outside interference and misuse. In short it isolates
particular code and data from all other codes and data. A
well-defined interface controls the access to that
particular code and data.

2. Polymorphism:
It is a feature that allows one interface
to be used for general class of actions. The
action is determined by the exact nature of the
In general polymorphism means "one interface,
methods", This means that it is possible to design
generic interface to a group of related activities.
helps reduce complexity by allowing the same
interface to
be used to specify a general class of action. It is
compiler's job to select the specific action (that
method) as it applies to each situation

3. Inheritance:
It is the process by which one object
acquires the properties of another object. This
the hierarchical classification. Without the use of
hierarchies, each object would need to define all
characteristics explicitly. However, by use of
an object need only define those qualities that
make it
unique within its class. It can inherit its general
attributes from its parent. A new sub-class
inherits all of
the attributes of all of its ancestors.

4. Dynamic Binding:
The property of object-oriented programming
languages where
the code executed to perform a given operation is
at run time from the class of the operand(s)

5. Message Passing :
In the terminology of some object-oriented programming
languages, a message is the single means to pass control to
an object. If the object "responds" to the message, it has
a method for that message. In pure object-oriented
programming, message passing is performed exclusively
through a dynamic dispatch strategy.[citation needed]
Objects can send messages to other objects from within
their method bodies. Message passing enables extreme late
binding in systems. Sending the same message to an object
twice will usually result in the object applying the method
twice. Two messages are considered to be the same message
type, if the name and the arguments of the message are
identical. Some languages support the forwarding
ordelegation of method invocations from one object to
another if the former has no method to handle the message,
but "knows" another object that may have one

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