Drop duplicate records ...

SOURCE LIKE ..........

ID flag1 flag2

100 N Y

100 N N

100 Y N

101 Y Y

101 N Y

102 Y N

103 N N

104 Y Y

105 N N

106 N Y

102 N Y

105 Y Y

in above file if any id having both the flags as "N" then
that corresponding id records should be dropped,

in above case o/p should be as

ID flag1 flag2

101 Y Y
101 N Y
102 Y N
102 N Y
104 Y Y
106 N Y

Steps to do :

1) Identified the id’s that got duplicated (both the
flag values having vales “N”)

2) Look up with these id’s to existing id’s to drop .

Answer Posted / vz

Put a constraint in Transformer stage as shown bellow.

flag1=y or flag2=y


feald1=y or feald2=y

I think it's help you.

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