1. what is the difference b/w change authorization mode and
expert mode.
2.when we do the user comparison in pfcg what is the
difference in complete comparison and expert mode comparison.
3. what are the critical auth objects in security point of you ,
4.when we do the transportation of composite role what will
happened .
5.while doing the kernel upgrade we download the executable
s one by one are all together.
6. while applying the patches what is the importance of test
import why we do test import
Answer Posted / giridhar
1)f new authorization created threw change authorization.If
you edit the old authorization and add the the new
authorization we can use export mode.
2)This is also same for first if you create new role in pfcg
you can use user comparison,is you change the old role and
giving the new changes we can use the expert mode comparison.
4)If you insert in composite role in transport request
automatically child roles also included in transport request.
5)All together.
6)If you test import is success means the patch uploaded
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