I open login gmail page after that QTP is not able to
identify the object present in it then what u will do

Answer Posted / nikhil sood

hi all,
some time applications object are not created using standard
classes for that reason qtp will not able to identify the
class of an object for that we need to mannually map object
with the class for that goto tools-> object identification->
then click on user defined objects and maap object with the

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Hi I'm a beginner in QTP. So far I'm ok with Descriptive but stuck while implementing Hybrid Frame work. 1. I have created a Keyword file with .vbs ext set home=description.create home("title").value="Welcome to feests" set reglink=description.create reglink("name").value="register yourrestaurant / take away" set fbusname=description.create fbusname("name").value="business_name" set dispname=description.create dispname("name").value="display_name" set restchkbox=description.create restchkbox("name").value="restaurant" set cuiscate=description.create cuiscate("name").value="cuisine_categery1" set addline1=description.create addline1("name").value="address_line1" set pstcode=description.create pstcode("name").value="address_postcode" set cntry=description.create cntry("name").value="address_country" set mlandno=description.create mlandno("name").value="landline_no" set emailadd=description.create emailadd("name").value="email" 2. I have created an Function Library file as follows Function launch() bro="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" url="http://www.feests.com/" invokeapplication bro&" "&url Browser(home).page(home).Link(reglink).click End Function Function restregistration(karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK) Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(fbusname).set "karthik" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(dispname).set "teja" Browser(home).page(home).WebCheckBox(restchkbox).set "ON" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cuiscate).Select "Indian" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(addline1).set "Ameerpet" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(pstcode).set "UK" Browser(home).page(home).WebList(cntry).select "United Kingdom" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(mlandno).set "023775347" Browser(home).page(home).WebEdit(emailadd).set "email@gmail.com" End Function 3. This is how I have called the keywords and Functions in QTP executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\keywords.vbs" executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs" launch restregistration karthik, teja, Ameerpet, UK, "email@gmail.com" Now the issue is, I'm trying to enter the email ID in WebEdit field. But I dont know what is the mistake I did, if I run the script in QTP it is showing following error Error: Expected identifier Line (2): "executefile"C:\Documents and Settings\karthik\Desktop\functions.vbs"". Can someone help me fix this, please!!?


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i have to login into gmail loginpage i have to pass testcase into userid and password by using functions. the test case of user id is it should take only lowerletters alphabetin between 4 to 6 length.it should not take spectial letters.it should not take numbers.testcase for password is it should take numbers and it should not take alphabets note the following things must happen 1 when i give correct password and userid that password and userid should be seen in QTP result and notepad,xl sheet 2 when i gave in valid password the system willgive message please give valid password that particular messaage should be seen in QTP result,norepa and xl sheet


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