what qualities a person must have to become a good tester

Answer Posted / sunil

The foremost important quality of a tester should be
negative minded while testing an application.
Developer tries to build the application.Tester should find
the loop holes through which user can break the application.
Then comes:
a)Good Communication skills.
b)Keen to learn new ways of testing to produce 0 defects in
production phase.
c)Friendly attitude.
d)Good understanding of requirements,and preparing
excellent testcases which should result in good customer

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Hi everyone, My name is Salil Mishra. I am having 1.7 years of experience in manual testing. But as i m 2008 passout, there are limited position for me in the companies. Please help me out in getting a good job guys..I f you find something then please mail me at salilmishra29@gmail.com


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