Difference between static and dynamic RAM?

Answer Posted / rohan nimbalkar

Dynamic RAM

The most common form of RAM in a computer is dynamic RAM.
Each chip contains millions of tiny memory cells made up of
a transistor and a capacitor, and can contain one bit of
information – a 0 or a 1. In order to store a bit of
information, the computer needs to put a tiny amount of
power into the cell to charge the capacitor, but this energy
leaks out quickly. So to keep information in dynamic RAM,
your computer needs to recharge all the cells in the memory
chip every few milliseconds, or all the data is lost. This
constant refreshing gives dynamic RAM its name.

Static RAM
On the other hand, works with a completely different
technology. Each cell holds a bit of information that can be
flip-flopped, from 0 to 1, and doesn’t need to be refreshed;
although, it requires more transistors to make it work.
Because it never needs to be refreshed, it uses less power
and operates much more quickly. But it’s much more expensive
to manufacture.
All modern computers use a tiny amount of static RAM, as a
cache close to the CPU where it’s most needed to help
perform calculations quickly, and then larger quantities of
dynamic RAM to hold programs and data.

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