what is the difference between technology and engineering ?
Answer Posted / pal
Science is the understanding and continuous exploration of the natural world. In short, it is a study of "As Is". Technology is applying the outcome of scientific principles to innovate and improve the man-made things in the world. The output of Technology is a new or better process of doing. Engineering is applying the outcome of technology to design, develop, and manufacture the end product.
Example: The first understanding of steam as a form of water power capable of opening up a tightly closed tea-kettle lid is science. Then the making of a steam boiler prototype in a laboratory by continuous experimentation and finally arriving at the most efficient process is an example of technology. Later, manufacturing the steam boiler in a factory and rolling it out for use comes under engineering.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_difference_between_science_and_technology_and_engineering#ixzz1Njf1oJ8k
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