What is Hysteresis mean in Instrument?

Answer Posted / sahnis

The delay between the action and reaction of a measuring

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Yokogawa CENTUMVP R6.09 unable to download to Engineering Station with ExaOPC R3.75 The issue is when I try to download the common project section to the Engineering Station (STN) from the HIS in System View, it is unable to connect. The error displayed is: WARNING: Could not connect to equalize destination. (7001) Retrying. Number of retries = 0/1 ERROR: LdXopsLoadMain: connect error 10060 ERROR: Processing terminated due to connection error. (7002) Equalization end with errors. STN0149 ---- ERROR = 2 WARNING = 1 ---- Background: >Updated the ExaOPC software on the STN from 3.60 to 3.75 >STN operating system is Windows Server 2008 R2 >HIS operating system is Windows Server 2016 Stanard Solutions attempted include: >Ensuring all IP addresses are correct and all networked devices can be pinged. >The ability to ping a device using its host name from another device ( from HIS) >Ensure both devices firewalls are disabled. >The antivirus installed on the STN is disabled. >Ensuring both devices are within the same workgroup. >Added both devices to each other's Host and LMHost files. >Running IT Security tool after changing any administrative settings.