What are the option you can use to synchronize your test?

Answer Posted / sonal.pagare

• You can insert a synchronization point, which instructs
QuickTest to pause the test until an object property
achieves the value you specify. When you insert a
synchronization point into your test, QuickTest generates a
WaitProperty statement in the Expert View.
• You can insert Exist or Wait statements that instruct
QuickTest to wait until an object exists or to wait a
specified amount of time before continuing the test.
• You can also increase the default timeout settings in the
Test Settings and Options dialog boxes in order

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i'm testing the webpage with QTP, in this wabpage i have to choose the CV from the window, but QTP can't recognize the object, so i used the Low LEvel Recording, but every time i run the test, QTP go to halt when it gets to the Recorded part, any solution for that?( except puting delay in the script and manuall selecting, because i've did that)


i have to login into gmail loginpage i have to pass testcase into userid and password by using functions. the test case of user id is it should take only lowerletters alphabetin between 4 to 6 length.it should not take spectial letters.it should not take numbers.testcase for password is it should take numbers and it should not take alphabets note the following things must happen 1 when i give correct password and userid that password and userid should be seen in QTP result and notepad,xl sheet 2 when i gave in valid password the system willgive message please give valid password that particular messaage should be seen in QTP result,norepa and xl sheet


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