can any body explain about BVA and ECP briefly?

Answer Posted / srinivas bhamidipati


Your answer for Boundary Value Analysis is correct.

But I want to add further info for ECP:

Equivalence Class Partitioning is used when we have large
sets of data. For Eg : when a field accepts 1-1,00,000,
then we can check ECP testing as equivalent sets such as (1-
20,000), (20,001-40,000), (40,001-60,000), (60,001-80,000),
(80,001-1,00,000). Then, we take the random values fr each
set and test for the random test sample and validate
accordingly. Further more, you can split the same range to
subsets if you feel the risk of not selecting more risk
prone sample.

B Srinivas

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