Test Case Design Techniques like BVA, Equalance
partitioning, Error guessing?

Answer Posted / mercy

Boundary Value Analysis(BVA): The concept behind this is to
partition program domain in a meaningful way to generate
data sets that span the partition are determined. This
creates test cases around the boundaries of the valid data.
The values that can be passed are exact boundary values, +/-
lowest boundary value and +/- highest boundary value

Consider a text box which can take a maximum of 255
characters. Then the domain that can be considered is from
1 to 255. The values that can be passed into the text box
for testing would be 1, 255, 0,2,254 and 256.

Equalence Partitioning: This is to partition set of all
possible inputs into classes that receive equivalent

If consider the same example, the equivalence classes would

Class1: Values from 1 to 255, 1 and 255 inclusive
Class2: Values less than 1
Class3: Values more than 255

Error Guessing: This technique is used to find defects
using the experience of the tester. Consider the above
example, the textox is intended for characters only. The
tester can easily give numbers or any special characters
for that text box and see whether the application is
throwing an exception or not.

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