why should i use FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage
(); Method in Form Authentication?Without using this method
also it's good??
Answer Posted / uday kumar vuriti
FormsAuthentication.RedirectfromLoginPage() redirect the
user to the requested page without redirecting to default page.
Assume that we have 4 Pages and we are using forms
authentication with Login Page as Login.aspx and default
Redirection after Login Page as Home.aspx
With FormsAuthentication.RedirectfromLoginPage():
If user requested for MyApp/Profile.aspx with out
Authentication Cookie(Login), he will be redirected to Login
Page and then after Login he will be redirected to
With out FormsAuthentication.RedirectfromLoginPage():
If we are not using
FormsAuthentication.RedirectfromLoginPage() then If user
requested for MyApp/Profile.aspx with out Logging in, he
will be redirected to Login Page and then after Login he
will be redirected to MyApp/Home.aspx.
the difference here is direct redirection of user to the
requested page.
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