Difference between static and dynamic RAM?

Answer Posted / prince

A SRAM is a common type of computer memory that uses
capacitors and transistors storing electrical charges to
represent memory states. These capacitors lose their
electrical charge, so they need to be refreshed every
millisecond, during which time they cannot be read by the
processor.Static RAM storage is based on the logic circuit
known as flip-flop, which retains the information stored in
it as long as there is enough power to run the device. A
static RAM chip can store only about one-fourth as much data
as a dynamic RAM chip of the same complexity, but static RAM
does not require refreshing and is usually much faster than
dynamic RAM. It is also more expensive.

where as DRAM contains millions of tiny memory cells made up
of a transistor and a capacitor, and can contain one bit of
information – a 0 or a 1. In order to store a bit of
information, the computer needs to put a tiny amount of
power into the cell to charge the capacitor, but this energy
leaks out quickly. So to keep information in dynamic RAM,
your computer needs to recharge all the cells in the memory
chip every few milliseconds, or all the data is lost. This
constant refreshing gives dynamic RAM its name.

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