What is the exact difference b/w IN and EXIST in Oracle..?
Answer Posted / moorthy g
select ename from emp e
where mgr in (select empno from emp whereename = 'KING');
Here's the EXPLAIN PLAN for this query:
---------- ----------------------------------------
This query is virtually equivalent to this:
select e1.ename from emp e1,(select empno from empwhere
ename = 'KING') e2
where e1.mgr = e2.empno;
You can write the same query using EXISTS bymoving the outer
query column to a subquery condition, likethis:
select ename from emp e
where exists (select 0 from emp wheree.mgr = empno and
ename = 'KING');
When you write EXISTS in a where clause, you'retelling the
optimizer that you want the outer query to be runfirst,
using each value to fetch a value from the inner
query(think: EXISTS = outside to inside).
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